Solution for healthcare organizations to personalize health care delivery

Rohit Agarwal DoctorPlan Founder
DoctorPlan delivers a digital health solution that improves the entire health care experience so providers spend their valuable time practicing medicine, not doing paperwork.
San Francisco
Precision Health
Digital Health

Why did we invest in DoctorPlan?

The American healthcare system is large, regulated, complex, and broken – people spend more, but get less. Attention is on political reforms and alternative systems to make healthcare more efficient and affordable. Companies like Amazon, Google and other non-traditional healthcare players are entering the space in a big way, e.g. Amazon is soon launching “Prime Health”, looking to insure millions of people.

DoctorPlan is betting on this “Mega trend” and is offering solutions that will support healthcare providers with the aim to save costs and create efficiencies by digitizing processes. This is a multi-billion-dollar industry.

The CEO of DoctorPlan previously built an EduTech startup that was acquired by Amazon in September 2013, where after he spent four years at Amazon managing four business units, reporting to Jeff Bezos.

“Rohit Agarwal is a seasoned founder and tech entrepreneur, who is trying to solve some of the pains of the American health system by creating a system that collects data from patients, assisting the doctor’s diagnosis while saving time. Scale Capital is joining the journey to help scale the business nationwide.”

Lars Jensen
Partner @ Scale Capital

About DoctorPlan

DoctorPlan helps healthcare organizations create deep relationships with patients, using a data-driven approach to personalize care delivery. Their precision health platform helps caremakers deliver the best outcomes for patients – with extended care, access to timely information, and personalized follow-ups, between visits.

The company is on a mission to help doctors improve clinical outcomes for 50 million patients over the next 10 years. The team consists of serial entrepreneurs, doctors and technologists who work together to harness the power of medicine and technology.

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Data collection and due diligence workflow in one system.
Wireless screen-sharing platform for classrooms and meeting rooms.